U13-U18 SOLAR TEAMS (1's)
Solar teams are for the committed player only! Teams practice twice per week. These teams will compete in 15-17 Play Dates. A National Qualifier (or similar event) is included . Attendance at the qualifier is mandatory! These teams will typically compete in the Badger Region Power League. Some teams will choose to attend Nationals.
Club dues: $1475
NOTE: At this time, the U16 Solar (Elite) team is planning on attending a National event in Late June. There will be an additional charge (About $550) that will include the extra two months of practices, tournaments, coach travel and gifts for other teams). Please note that we are a MUCH better value than many of our competitors!

U13-U16 LUNAR & TITAN TEAMS (2's & 3's)
Lunar teams practice twice per week. These teams will compete in 9-11 Play Dates tournaments regionally.
Club dues: $1150

This is where the 5th and 6th graders start their Club journey!
Practices twice per week and will compete in 5-7 tournaments regionally, but will not go to National Qualifier.
Club dues: $900